Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Debates with My Sister

When I was a little kid, my sister and I would always have debates. Long, extended debates that took place over months or years about things we liked. They were good natured and friendly, but sometimes intense. 

I always lost. 

One of our debates was between my preference for Paul McCartney and her preference for John Lennon. Another of our debates was my preference for Rome and her preference for Greece. This segued into Rome versus Carthage after she became interested in the Carthaginians. I had books on Rome from the elementary school library, and I loved to draw Roman architecture, but when she went and borrowed an adult-level biography of Hannibal from the town library, there was just no way to compete with her factual knowledge! I remember once riding with her in the back seat of our parents' car. To annoy me, she looked out the window, stared into the distance wistfully, and said in a quiet voice, "Hamilcar Barca". 

She also challenged me to a reading race through a set of books called The Junior Classics. I was thoroughly trounced. I actually gave up before the finish because she got so far ahead of me so quickly.

Now my lovely sister is sick. I hope I can be a good sibling for her and take care of her. I must try harder. 

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