Saturday, April 12, 2014

Flying Anne

This is a really touching film from Aeon film channel about a young girl with Tourette's Syndrome. 

There were particular parts that stood out: 

In one scene in the film, Anne is with a therapist or doctor and they model good responses to negative reactions from other children to her tics. Given that neither her tics nor other people's reaction to them are within her control, she could easily develop the horrific sense of being trapped between forces within and without.  Modeling good responses would seem to give her an authentic measure of agency over her circumstances.

Near the end of the film she stands in front of the class, introduces Tourette's to the other children, and answers questions about it. This seemed smart as a way of developing her confidence in all her human relationships as a person with Tourette's.

The third was her statement that she wouldn't be cured if she could because then she wouldn't be her anymore. I like that kind of self-acceptance. I imagine that she will grow up to be a person who makes other people feel very comfortable because she's comfortable with herself. 

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