Monday, May 5, 2014


The line, 'tell me where past years are', is from Go and Catch a Falling Star, by John Donne, not To His Coy Mistress, by Andrew Marvell. 

Yesterday, as I was hiking, by chance I was thinking about both poems. Not everything in each is to my taste; it's just that those lines made me think a lot about time when we had to read them in literary criticism class as an undergraduate English major. 

The line of Marvell's that I liked is also echoed later in The Waste Land, by T.S. Eliot:

Marvell: "But at my back I always hear time's winged chariot drawing near."

Eliot: "But at my back in a cold blast I hear the rattle of bones, and a chuckle spread from ear to ear."  

Today is Wesak, so it's a national holiday in Korea. My friend wants to do language exchange though it's a holiday, so I will. After that, maybe I will go to one of the big temples and have a look at all the festivities. 

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