Saturday, September 27, 2014

My Achilles' Heel

Suppose that you've grown not to have your emotions swayed by things that happen or things that people say in particular areas of life. Despite this, there are yet specific areas where you are sensitive and reactive. Or, alternatively, your sensitivities evolve over time. As you grow or experience the world, you come to place importance on different things than when you were younger, or even just a few years before, and through this, as part of the package that things come in--though perhaps without realizing it--you also acquire a new sensitivity about them as the flip side of your attachment to them. Or--a third possibility--you grow out of practice in certain areas of potential sensitivity that you had previously mastered. 

There's only one answer, of course. You must apply the techniques to all areas in which you are sensitive and reactive. It won't do to avoid them or to inflate the importance of other requirements as a means of not facing them, nor will it do to buy into the mind's way of reserving from general circulation particular cherished things and placing them outside the reach of the techniques.

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