Saturday, August 2, 2014

Can't find a...

My extension of the Facebook meme:

Can't find a nice person? Then be a nice person yourself.

Can't find an honorable person? Then be an honorable person yourself. 

Can't find a fair person? Then be a fair person yourself.

Can't find a person who knows how to assess evidence properly? Then be a person who assesses evidence properly yourself.

Can't find a person who realizes that large groups of people within the same nominal category don't speak with a single voice? Then be a person who realizes that large groups of people within the same nominal category don't speak with a single voice yourself.

Don't like the garbage on the ground? Then put on some gloves and help pick it up. 

Don't like the cruel mockery in the world? Then refuse to participate in creating more of it.

Don't like hypocrisy? Then refuse to be a hypocrite yourself. 

Can't find a compassionate person? Then be a compassionate person yourself, so at least there will be one compassionate person in the world.

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